Loan Modification

We provide expert assistance with your loan modification process and deliver an improved experience to borrowers

Peoples Processing can help servicers establish streamlined workflows to efficiently meet rising volume of loan modification demands. With standardized processes and project-suited resources, we help you reap exceptional benefits

Peoples Processing is a full-service mortgage solutions provider. With expert team of loan modification professionals and access to advanced technology tools, we deploy and execute strategically planned loan modification processes to support your existing operations.

We offer servicers a broad spectrum of mortgage loan modification support services aimed at streamlining the entire process. As a part of loan modification, we cover :

Reviewing the documents

Carrying out income underwriting

Soliciting financial information of the borrower to qualify for the mortgage home loan modification

Completing the entire modification fulfilment process, including subordinations, title endorsements etc.

Dedicated consulting services for the borrowers to help them comprehend and complete the financial packages

Mailing the final modification packages

How Do We Support Servicers with Loan Modification?

Often, servicers face the problem of dealing with homeowners trying to modify their loans. In such circumstances, our services can help you with the following –

Checking payments made by a homeowner and adding missed payments to the loan balance to move the loan figures to current

Helping reduce interest rate by checking various background details and other homeowner history

Helping you lengthen the loan term

Identifying factors which can lead to a permanent cancellation of a portion of the mortgage debt

Why Peoples Processing

High-end technology tools for accelerating the loan modification processing time and real-time access to vital information

Highly experienced mortgage professionals working fulltime, experience in handling back-office needs of over 5000+ loan modifications

Standardized and automated back office support for loan modification back-office support

Up to 30% reduction in Turn Around Time (TAT), leveraging 24/7 work environment

Cost efficiency leading to enhanced savings without any compromise in quality of the services, up to 40% reduction in per employee operational cost

100% data confidentiality and privacy

Flexible staffing model

Compliance with existing performance standards, stated guidelines and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)